For Employers

For Employers

Whether you’re a large organisation with branches nationwide or a small family-owned business and whether you need new employees or want to develop existing ones, MTC can deliver the results you need to transform your business.

About Us

About Us

MTC was established in 1989 in Marrickville by a team of just three. Now we’re a group of 450 dedicated people working at more than 40 locations across NSW and Queensland and every year we support 20,000 people with new skills, confidence and opportunities.

Refer to MTC

Refer to MTC

For over 35 years, our referring partners have trusted us to help their customers find their path in life. Together we can achieve your customer’s unique ambitions so you can improve your outcomes and transform the impact you have in your community.

Nicky Hughson

Yan Ling’s story

Yan Ling’s story

When Yan Ling joined MTC Australia he had been unemployed for 14 years and homeless for seven years. Yan Ling had a wonderful attitude and was willing to take on any opportunity, but English was a barrier for him, and he lacked digital skills.

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Ability Options partnership

Ability Options partnership

At MTC Australia, we’re all about creating positive change and building a better future for everyone. That’s why we’re happy to announce that our Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program in Campbelltown has teamed up with Ability Options to deliver the SEE Pathways Job Skills course to a special group of Disability Employment Service (DES) clients.

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Yan Ling’s story

Gary’s story

Self-employed as a taxi driver for 24 years, Gary never learnt how to search for and apply to jobs online. When driving work dried up, he turned to MTC Australia for help.

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Rumana’s story

Rumana’s story

When Rumana joined MTC Australia’s SEE Pathways to Job Readiness course, held in partnership with Muslim Women Australia, her main goal was to gain new skills. She didn’t have a resume, she didn’t know how to apply for jobs, and she didn’t know how to search for opportunities on the internet.

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Sandra’s story

Sandra’s story

Sandra faced many challenges in her life including a learning disability and then after 30 years working at a hospital, she was let go due to a back injury. Determined to turn her life around, Sandra reached out to MTC Australia’s Disability Employment Services.

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Shaun’s story

Shaun’s story

Shaun, one of our First Nation clients, joined our Workforce Australia program late last year, and his determination and resilience in the face of adversity have truly inspired us.

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Suojin’s story

Suojin’s story

After arriving in Australia from Korea, Suojin felt that she had never had the chance to study English and believed her lack of fluency in the English language was holding her back from employment.

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Mona’s story

Mona’s story

After quitting work to care for her husband, Mona could not go back to her career in childcare, as she was too depressed to look after children. She struggled to find a new path but finally got the support she needed from MTC’s Disability Employment Services.

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Yan Ling’s story

Thi Dao’s story

As a mature aged person with limited English skills, Thi Dao was struggling to get a job. Despite her barriers challenges, Thi Dao was keen to develop her language, literacy, numeracy and digital (LLND) skills and increase her chance of finding secure work.

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