

Helping people gain skills for education, employment and entrepreneurship is the core of our purpose at MTC Australia. We will help you define your career goals, access no-cost education to help prepare you for employment or small business ownership and support you as you apply for jobs.

For Employers

For Employers

Whether you’re a large organisation with branches nationwide or a small family-owned business and whether you need new employees or want to develop existing ones, MTC can deliver the results you need to transform your business.

About Us

About Us

MTC was established in 1989 in Marrickville by a team of just three. Now we’re a group of 450 dedicated people working at more than 40 locations across NSW and Queensland and every year we support 20,000 people with new skills, confidence and opportunities.

Refer to MTC

Refer to MTC

For over 35 years, our referring partners have trusted us to help their customers find their path in life. Together we can achieve your customer’s unique ambitions so you can improve your outcomes and transform the impact you have in your community.

Prioritising your mental health while job hunting

Job hunting can be a stressful and draining process, with endless applications and rejections taking a toll on one’s mental well-being. Read our tips on how to prioritise and protect your mental health during your job hunt.

How to stay mentally healthy while searching for a job

  1. Set realistic goals
    It’s easy to get caught up in the pressure of finding a job as soon as possible, but setting unrealistic goals can lead to additional stress and disappointment. Instead, set achievable goals for yourself and focus on the process of job hunting, not just the outcome.
  2. Take breaks
    Dedicate specific times during the day to relax and recharge. Whether it’s taking a walk, reading a book, or meditating, taking breaks can help you refocus and reduce stress.
  3. Exercise
    Regular physical activity can do wonders for your mental health. Exercise releases endorphins that help reduce stress and improve mood.
  4. Connect with others
    Surround yourself with supportive friends and family members who can offer encouragement and help you stay positive during the job hunt. Additionally, consider joining a support group or seeking the help of a mental health professional if needed.
  5. Stay organised
    Keep track of your job applications and schedule to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Having a clear idea of what you’ve accomplished and what still needs to be done can help you stay on track and reduce stress.

By following these tips, you can prioritise your mental health during the job hunting process. Remember, it’s okay to take things slow and be kind to yourself. A job will come eventually, but your mental well-being is worth taking care of in the meantime.