For Employers

For Employers

Whether you’re a large organisation with branches nationwide or a small family-owned business and whether you need new employees or want to develop existing ones, MTC can deliver the results you need to transform your business.

About Us

About Us

MTC was established in 1989 in Marrickville by a team of just three. Now we’re a group of 450 dedicated people working at more than 40 locations across NSW and Queensland and every year we support 20,000 people with new skills, confidence and opportunities.

Refer to MTC

Refer to MTC

For over 35 years, our referring partners have trusted us to help their customers find their path in life. Together we can achieve your customer’s unique ambitions so you can improve your outcomes and transform the impact you have in your community.

Confident mature woman wearing glassing smiling at camera wearing a blue cardigan.
RTO Code 90171 

Refer to Career Transition Assistance (CTA)

If you have a customer who is over 45 and wants to change their career, we can help make that happen. As a trusted provider of tailored training and employment programs, it’s highly likely our CTA program is the solution you need to help your customers transition into their dream jobs. 

What is Career Transition Assistance (CTA)?

CTA is a collaborative, adult learning program that helps people aged over 45 years on their path to employment success. Through this personalised program, your customer can upskill, meet potential employers, and learn about new industries. Your customer will receive one-on-one support every step of the way from our experienced Facilitators, and we can provide you with regular updates so you can be reassured that your customer is on track. 

MTC’s CTA Program is an approved Activity that equates to 15 PBAS (Points Based Activation System) per week. It may also entitle you to a Progress Payment if your customer completes at least 80% of the course. 

Career Transition Assistance at MTC is currently delivered at multiple locations in Sydney’s North and West. 

This training is funded by the Federal Government. 

Who is eligible for Career Transition Assistance?

To enrol in the Career Transition Assistance program, your customer must be:  

aged 45 years or over

registered with a Workforce Australia or DES provider  

How Career Transition Assistance works at MTC

Our CTA program is tailored to your customer’s needs with a focus on individual employment goals, learning the latest digital technology, and building confidence in talking to potential employers.

Mature male manager in warehouse smiling at camera wearing a flannelette shirt

How to refer

To refer your customer to MTC Australia’s CTA program, call our Customer Service team on 1300 232 663. We will confirm their eligibility and book them in for a Career Pathway Assessment (CPA).  

CTA is fully funded by the Department of Employment & Workplace Relations (DEWR) –  you can refer your eligible customers free of charge.   

CTA is also an approved activity that meets Participant Mutual Obligation (PBAS) and SMAR requirements. 


Getting started

The first step is to identify your customer’s current skill level, interests, and future goals to provide them with an individualised report and plan. 


Personal brand

We’ll help your customer create their own personal brand by revamping their resume and cover letters, online profiles, and job applications. We’ll give them interview tips and skills all while working through their goals and motivations.  


Career portfolio

We will help your customer create a portfolio and plan that clearly shows their strengths, experience, aspirations, and career path. Your customers will learn how to present and sell themselves in the current job market. 


Individualised coaching

Your customers will be paired with a Coach who will be with them every step of the way through their CTA journey. They will be there to encourage, mentor, support, and guide your customer with one-on-one and self-paced learning followed by post-program meet-ups to ensure that your customer achieves the best outcome. 


Confidence toolkit

Our goal is to help your customer get to the point where they can succeed in their career all by themselves. We’ll give your customer the skills and confidence they need to promote their best strengths, nail the interview process, and land and keep the job they want. 


Job market

We’ll teach your customer how to explore their local job market to discover what positions are available and how to enter new industries that they may not have considered before. They’ll also learn the best current job searching techniques, where the best jobs are being advertised, and how to find the ones that aren’t. 


Career connection

Our CTA program will provide your customers with networking opportunities and give them the tool they need for self-promotion, ensuring that they have the skills they need to get the most out of every networking opportunity. 


Digital passport

With so much of our current job market and work environment being digital, we’ll work with your customer to improve their digital skills, including social media, office software, and everyday IT for job applications and online forms. 

Want to find out more?

We’re here to help. Fill out this form or get in touch with our friendly Customer Care team on 1300 232 663 or [email protected]

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