

Helping people gain skills for education, employment and entrepreneurship is the core of our purpose at MTC Australia. We will help you define your career goals, access no-cost education to help prepare you for employment or small business ownership and support you as you apply for jobs.

For Employers

For Employers

Whether you’re a large organisation with branches nationwide or a small family-owned business and whether you need new employees or want to develop existing ones, MTC can deliver the results you need to transform your business.

About Us

About Us

MTC was established in 1989 in Marrickville by a team of just three. Now we’re a group of 450 dedicated people working at more than 40 locations across NSW and Queensland and every year we support 20,000 people with new skills, confidence and opportunities.

Refer to MTC

Refer to MTC

For over 35 years, our referring partners have trusted us to help their customers find their path in life. Together we can achieve your customer’s unique ambitions so you can improve your outcomes and transform the impact you have in your community.

Group Of Businesswomen Collaborating In Creative Meeting Around Table In Modern Office
RTO Code 90171

Complaints Process and Appeals

If you are unhappy with a course or service, you can submit a complaint to MTC Australia. All complaints are taken seriously and handled in a professional manner.


Clients, students and participants have the right to make a complaint at any time they are not satisfied with the quality of service provided by MTC Australia. We have a formal Complaints Policy and Procedure P 043 RTO Complaints and Appeals and SOP 017 Client Compliments and Complaints Handling which outlines our approach to resolving any complaint raised by our students and other clients.

A complaint can be about:

  • Course and enrolment advice and any other information provided;
  • Training (classes, lessons, materials);
  • Assessment results (also see Assessment Appeals Procedure);
  • Certificates and/or Statements of Attainment;
  • How the Trainer and/or other participants treat the student;
  • Handling of a student’s personal (including sensitive) information;
  • Work Health and Safety; or
  • Access and equity.

MTC Australia will record and investigate all complaints made in writing and provide the student with a written response on the outcome. We will endeavour to respond to all complaints within 30 working days. All complaints made are taken seriously and are handled in a professional and confidential manner.

Remember, it is against the law for anyone to victimise you for making a complaint.

Please click here to view our Complaints Poster.

If you are satisfied with the result at any stage of the process, the complaint will end, and you do not have to do anything else.

Assessment appeals procedure

Upon completion of your assessments, your Trainer/Assessor will inform you of the assessment outcome and provide you with feedback on your performance. You have the right to appeal an assessment decision if you feel that it was wrong or unfair. In such instances, you can lodge an appeal in writing within ten (10) days of receiving your result. We will endeavour to have the work re-marked by a different trainer within two (2) weeks of the appeal application, and the Registered Training Organisations (RTO) Operations Manager will conduct the final review.

We take all assessment appeals seriously and handle them in a timely, professional and confidential manner. Please click to view our appeals process and process flowchart.

You can also download the Assessment Appeals Form online.