RTO Code 90171
Student Welfare and Support
Have a problem related to your training? You can speak to your trainer or contact MTC Australia directly. Learn more about student welfare and support here.
Student support
If you have a problem relating to your training or assessments, please speak to your trainer or contact MTC Australia on 1300 232 663. Please ask your trainer or an MTC Australia staff member if you require a copy of a form. Forms that you may need include:
Reasonable adjustments
An adjustment is a measure or action taken to assist a student who has a disability, or language, literacy or numeracy issues, in order to help them to participate in education and training on the same basis as other students. If you feel that you have a special need and may require an adjustment to participate in training or assessment, please apply for a reasonable adjustment. MTC Australia will implement adjustments that are deemed necessary and reasonable. Please refer to ET SOP 018 Providing Reasonable Adjustment Procedure for further details.
In assessing whether a particular adjustment is reasonable, MTC Australia will consider:
- The student’s disability and his/her views regarding their needs
- The effect of the adjustment on the student, including the effect on his/her ability to achieve learning outcomes, participate in the course/program, or act independently
- The effect of the proposed adjustment on anyone else affected, including the education provider, staff, and other students
- The costs and benefits of making the adjustment.
We will notify you of the application decision prior to the commencement of training or assessment.
Note: Fill out a Reasonable Adjustment Form (A) and submit to MTC Australia.